My Food

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

a group for tomyam

some prawns, shelled
some fishballs
some chicken meat, sliced
some cabbage
an onion, cut into wedges
a carrot, sliced
a tomato, cubed
some limau kasturi (keat-ah, kat-chai), juiced
some cili padi, crushed
2 stalks of serai, crushed
4 to 5 tablespoons of tomyam paste
4 to 5 bowls of water
salt and pepper to taste

  • Bring water to boil and cook all the veges together.
  • Mix in the tomyam paste.
  • Once the vege is cooked, pour in the prawns, chicken, and fishball.
  • Pour in the limau kasturi juice to taste.
  • Add cili padi to taste.
  • Lastly, add in salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 4

this might be easy, but some preperation need to be done with the prawns and chicken. Anyway, it's still quite simple coz i managed to dish this out from preperation to cleaning up in a record time of two and a half hour. the tricky part was getting the taste right for the guests. since this is my first time cooking for 4, i had some problem estimating. but thanks to them, it turned out fine. but i still find it not sour enough, and not spicy enough. i'll get things right IF there is a next time.

as time consuming as it seems, timing is quite important once the meat and prawns are in the pot. i overcooked the prawns coz the taste wasnt right and i have to keep on adding keat-ah juice and cili padi to suit their taste. sorry for that guys.

anyway, thanks to rach and magi for the prawns and fishballs. and thanks to rach, magi and so for giving face. i hope you guys enjoyed the meal. so.. what's next? spagetti i heard? hahaha

everyone has their own social life. after tonight, i think this is how i would like my social life to be. hang around for a meal, and lepak around after that. not so much for the food. but more for the company. maybe later in life, i would have a wine party or something like that.. :)


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