My Food

Monday, September 11, 2006

ang dau chui

1/2 bowl of ang dau (read beans)
3 - 4 bowls of water
sugar to taste
some pandan leaves

Soak the ang dau for 4 to 5 hours
Wash the pandan leaves.

1. Boil the soaked ang dau with pandan leaves until it softens (this might take an hour or more on conventional pot and less than half an hour on a pressure cooker).
2. Remove the pandan leaves.
3. Add sugar to taste.

i felt like having ang dau chui for tong sui so here it is. it's something i enjoy and i found out that there are three types of ang dau chui that is being served. it depends on the duration they cook it. i've came across ang dau chui which its beans are a lil bit on the hard side. this gives more texture to the ang dau and you can munch on it. the second would be the soft ang dau. the beans are all soft and somehow it feels like eating porridge. the third would be ang dau gar (ice blended ang dau). i personally prefer softer ang dau chui and ang dau gar. since i don't have a food blender, i would have to settle for the former. anyway, it's nice. oh ya, i added some milk to substitute santan and it turned out fine too :)

*taiping's ang dau gar at rex is worth the try!


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